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Sri Ramkarthic Polymers established as a manufacturer of quality rubber moulded goods to capitalize on the need for the rubber moulded parts for the local engineering industry in Coimbatore. The first customers were local pump manufacturers.
Hydraulic Presses Introduced and business developed for the textile OEMs.
Entry into the Automotive Sector.
Research and Development Center established within the factory premises
Successfully certified as an ISO 9001 company for quality
Mixing facilities improved by introduction of Kneaders. Lab facilities were also enhanced by addition of Rheometer and other equipment.
Business achieved a financial milestone of INR 6 Crores per Annum. Received Best Supplier Award by Pricol Ltd
Established our Export unit after successful establishment of strategic relationships with overseas customers in North America
Moved into a custom-built brand-new facility in Kovilpalayam, Coimbatore.
Achieved the ZED Certification. Achieved the Best Supplier award from Pricol Limited based on incoming quality level and adherence to quality management System.
Received the One Star Export House Certificate by the DGFT
Received the National Award for MSMEs from Government of India for the Best Quality Product in the Rubber Moulded Goods Category.
Our firm received the Tamil Chief Minister Award in the MSME Category for Excellence in Quality and Export.